Game News

Don't Miss Out On This 2023 NFT Project From Taiwan! Obtain a Pioneer now to get a head start in the GameFi!

NFT Project from Taiwan

Many must wonder why people collect NFTs? What are some of the most prolific NFT projects from Taiwan? The one we'll be introducing this time is PARAZEN, an NFT project hailing from Taiwan that sold out in full FOMO in less than a minute!

What is an NFT

Before getting started with PARAZEN, it is crucial to understand what an NFT actually is. Unlike fungible tokens such as Bitcoin and Eth, which can be exchanged for other fungible tokens for the same value, where as non-fungible tokens are individual crypto tokens that are unique and not interchangeable, they can be in the form of images, audio, videos, game items or even a social media post, any form of creative media can be made into an NFT. In the past, images and videos uploaded onto the internet can be easily downloaded, now with blockchain technology, ownership of your digital assets can be ensured to be the one and only.

Origin of PARAZEN Pioneers

A metaverse gamefi project initiated by a Taiwanese team at the end of 2021, the PARALAND Migration Project took off and began preparations for the PARAZEN Pioneers to venture into the Parallel Wonderland as its first wave of citizens. PARAZEN Pioneers is the world's first True 3D NFT series that breaks the boundaries of conventional profile pic or 2D image NFTs and supports interactive AR display that you can interact with, gathering hype and recognition from multiple influencers and media personnel locally and overseas including Nine Chen, Brain Bro, John Tool and Block Trend and will accompany the Pioneers on their adventures in Parallel Wonderland.

What's the hype about PARAZENs?

Augmented Reality: Bring your Pioneer to life right before you eyes

PARAZEN is regarded as one of the world's first True 3D NFT projects, so what's True 3D? Each PARAZEN Pioneer has its own unique QR code that you can scan to summon from a 2D PFP into an AR interactive display, hence "True" 3D!

Free NFT Airdrop: Unlock PARADORA‘s Box

PARADORA's Boxes are a whole new series of reward utility NFT that are airdropped to holders and community members that contain virtual prizes, physical merchandise and NFT items and equipment ! What's special about them is that there are rare and exclusive edition NFTs that can only be obtained from within these boxes and nowhere else! How do you get one of these boxes you say? The answer is: they're free! PARADORA's Boxes will be regularly airdropped to holders of PARAZEN Pioneers and PARA Ledgers, and to open these boxes, PARADORA's Keys are the only method and paraphernalia, and the only way to obtain these keys is to participate in Discord events. As long as you participate often enough, you have the chance to receive either PARADORA's Key fragments or entire keys, and sometimes giveaways will be held in the middle of events or AMAs! If you end up with too many Keys, you can even list them on a marketplace and take up offers from others that need them!

The PARALAND blockchain game is about to launch, get ahold of your Pioneer Scepter now!

The PARAZEN Pioneers are the first wave that will migrate to PARALAND, becoming its initial inhabitants and trail blazers. These Pioneers will receive the exclusive equipment to aid them on their journey, holders of PARAZEN Pioneers can redeem their NFTs for the Pioneer Scepter upon launching of the game. This Scepter is an emblem of bravery and glory. It grants various perks and privileges in PARALAND and accelerates a player's gaming progress to implement literal play-to-earn!

How and where do I get my hands on this NFT?

The PARAZEN Pioneer Series is all minted out at the moment, if you'd like to get your hands on one, you can go on marketplaces and look for listings Opensea and Lootex are the official marketplaces for Pioneers, the former being the world's largest NFT marketplace and the latter being the most evocative marketplace in Taiwan. Compared to private transactions, it is much safer to transact via a secure webpage on a third party marketplace that is certified by the project team to ensure the security of both ends of the transaction. If you haven't got a Pioneer yet, what are you waiting for! All these perks and privileges are waiting for you!

Join PARALAND on Discord now!

Since its initiation, PARALAND's online community has amassed over 10k members and held uncountable events, so if you're new to this, why not get started with us? All are welcome to join, whether you want to learn more about gamefis or the latest news on game mechanics, come check us out! This is your chance to conduct play-to-earn! Refer to the oficial PARAZEN website for more information. Let's venture on into the metaverse!

Feel free to follow us on Facebook and hit us up with any questions or join in on Discord to find out more about PARALAND!

Further Readings: Wanna earn an income off playing NFT games? PARALAND is offering play-to-earn! Play-to-Earn Newbie's Guide! Get to know what P2E is! What is SocialFi? PARALAND offers a new take on NFT games! PARALAND Fanbase Exclusive Grand Reveal & NFT Gaming Community Trends 2023